During the scheduled maintenance window, we released the following items to the production environment for Realm.

New Features, Services, and Enhancements

Partnered Lenders

  • Status Reason - Lenders now have the ability to choose a "Status Reason" for a Relationship Status update. Comergence provides some common reasons for status changes within the dropdown by default but lenders may add their own custom reasons as well. Status reasons can also be viewed from the Client and Application Boards.(Enhancement)

         Link: Managing Client Relationships

  • APIs - New and Enhanced  API services now available!

        Link:  Latest API Documentation, click here.

Comergence Concierge Lenders 

  • Mass Email Campaign - Statistics for sent campaigns is now available. (Enhancement)

         Link: Send a Campaign 

Comergence Social Media Compliance TPOs

  • Review - Additional filters and sorting added to review board making it easier for users to track and locate their reviews. (Enhancement) 

  • Digital Media - By default Comergence has already pre-loaded all Company Websites provided on NMLS for each TPO within this new profile section! TPOs may also add/remove their own websites and social media accounts for the purpose of Digital Media Monitoring for compliance. New permissions for access and management of this section have also been added. (New Feature)

          Link: Digital Media

  • Archive & History - Each review now has a subtab where users can easily locate and track all archived social media posts as well as updated posts, including comments. In addition, Comergence has added a history link for all supporting documentation within a review so users may access historical documents as well as track changes. (New Feature)

         Link: Review Details