During the scheduled maintenance window, we released the following items to the production environment for Realm.

New Features, Services, and Enhancements

Partnered Lenders

  • License Type Filter – New License Type Filter has been added to the Alerts page, making it easier to filter your alerts by a specific license type when reviewing alerts. (Enhancement)

            Link: Alerts

Comergence Social Media Compliance TPO

  • Auto Close Review – To create a more streamlined and efficient process, TPOs now have the option when creating reviews to auto close reviews when there are no findings, saving the auditor time. (New Feature)

         Link: Order Review

  • Connect Company Facebook and Twitter – With the new connect feature Comergence has made it easier for the TPOs to connect their company’s Facebook and Twitter accounts with one button. (New Feature)

           Link: Digital Media

  • Review Details Archive Tab – When an individual connects their social media accounts all of the posts will be pulled into the archive tab of the review. Auditors can easily find any post, review, and add findings. Comergence has set up pre-defined triggers based on industry standards to flag posts that may require further review. The Flagged Post section will display all posts highlighting the trigger words. (New Feature)

           Link: Finding Details

  • Compliance Schedule – TPOs can now schedule reviews for any contact without an NMLS ID. Comergence has also added the option to exclude specific NMLS IDs or non NMLS Contacts from being included in the schedule. (New Feature)

           Link: Compliance Schedule

Comergence Concierge Lenders

  • Prospect reassignment in bulk – Concierge users now have the ability to reassign more than one prospects at a time.  (Enhancement)

           Link: Prospect Board